Sarah Ashton
Sarah is the Program Coordinator and joined the SREF staff during the summer of 2006 after completing a Masters of Science in Forestry at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Currently, Sarah is providing leadership in the development and implementation of a Sourthern Forest Research Partnership biomass training initiative. Sarah also assists the Southern Regioinal Extension Forester with various regional programs and projects including editing proceedings, participation in regional and national planning efforts and overseeing student work activities.
Before joining SREF, Sarah completed a year with Americorps where she participated in Chesapeake Bay conservation and restoration work. Additionally, she spent a year managing volunteers with the Applalachian Trail Conservency. Sarah loves forestry, but would some day love to diversify her skills by managing and owning a goat farm.
Program Coordinator
Southern Regional Extension Forestry
Forestry Bldg. 4-420
Athens, GA 30602
Phone: 706-542-8908