Information for the State Forestry Team Coach or Extension Leader
The National 4-H Forestry Invitational, the "Super Bowl of 4-H Forestry", will be here before we know it, and, we're glad you've decided to be a part of this exciting youth education program! As you read through the registration and general information below, it should help answer any questions you have about the Invitational, and how you can enter and begin preparing your state team for the competition with very little effort. Most everything you need to prepare you team should be here at your finger tips within this web site.
The Invitational Handbook, found on the "Training" page, is your 'road map' for beginning your team's training. It describes all of the competitive events and identifies the 'official' references around which the events are built. You can download the 'Handbook' from this web site, print off a copy on your printer, and make photo-copies for your team members to use.
Similarly, all of the references for the Tree Identification, Compass-Traverse, Topographic Maps, Insect and Disease Identification, Forest Evaluation, Forestry Bowl, and Written Examination events are but a few clicks away from this page. Access training references for these contest events by clicking on the embedded links or the "Training" tab above.
Additional forest insect and disease references are listed in the Invitational Handbook reference list. However, these references are not 'official' or 'mandatory' because of their cost ,and therefore, are only suggestions as additional reference materials that can assist you in preparing your team for the Invitational competition. These reference books are entitled Insects That Feed on Trees and Shrubs and Diseases of Trees and Shrubs.
Arrival Day is always the Sunday prior to the Invitational
We encourage your team to arrive mid-afternoon on Sunday. Registration is open from 2:30-5:00 PM. If you arrive earlier, you will likely have to wait on groups leaving Camp. When you arrive at Jackson's Mill, come to the Conference Center Registration/Administration Building where you will find our Registration Desk (click on the "Location" tab for a map and description of the Camp and Conference Center). We'll get you checked in and assigned to your lodging accommodations. Please plan to have your team attend the Welcome Bar-B-Q at the Camp at 6:30 p.m. This meal is included in the cost of your stay at Jackson's Mill, and is the first 'official' meal of the Invitational. To view the daily schedule go to the "About" page. It provides hour-by-hour happenings at the Invitational.
Team Ice-breaker and State Pin Exchange
The first official evening program takes place on arrival day. Team members are required to participate in a competition ice-breaker activity. At the end of the ice-breaker, team members traditionally exchange state pins or some other inexpensive trading item. Please come prepared to participate!
Campfire Program
Each state delegation will be called upon to perform at least one song, skit or campfire activity to the other state delegations at Invitational campfire on Wednesday. Team members or coaches who play an instrument are encouraged to bring their guitar, banjo, harmonica, etc. Campfires are good times at the Invitational!
Team Pictures
Team photos will be taken while at the Invitational. Many teams wear "team" shirts for their photo. Wearing something that represents your state team is not a requirement but does make for a nice photo. The photo will be used for the post event press release that goes out to each state.
The Invitational Committee will be happy to send a customized press release to your local media outlets. Please be sure to download, fill-out and turn-in upon arrival, the Local Media Contacts form. It is found in the right hand navigation of the Registration section of the website or by clicking here.
West Virginia Tourism Information and Travel Planning
To help plan your trip to West Virginia, you may want to contact the WV Tourism Division to receive information about the state. To make your own inquiries call 1-800-CALL-WVA or click on one of the options below for more information. Plan to see some points of interest in wild and wonderful West Virginia.
Team Financial/Scholarship Support
Each state will receive a maximum of 4 full team scholarships provided by the Invitational sponsors to be applied toward the team's food and lodging expenses at the camp. In addition, we will help pay your team's travel expenses. You will be reimbursed for your travel at $.25 per mile for an average round trip from your state. Coaches will pay all remaining balance for their team's expenses while at Jackson's Mill from 1-5 p.m. Wednesday afternoon at the Registration/Administration Building. Please check on this arrangement at the Invitational Registration Desk when your team arrives at Jackson's Mill. Jackson's Mill accepts VISA and MasterCard.
Clothing and Supplies
A pair of safety glasses is required for each team member and coach/chaperone unless the participant wears glasses. States must provide safety glasses for each team member and coach/chaperone. The Invitational will provide a hard hat for each participant. As a point of safety, team members and coaches will be expected to wear their hard hat and safety glasses any time they are in the field at Jackson's Mill. Hard hats will be distributed to participants at registration/check-in and will be collected prior to the Awards Banquet.
Team members are also required to wear closed-toe shoes during all outdoor Invitational events. This includes optional outdoor events such as the for fun forestry outdoor skills events (cross cut saw, pulp toss, and log roll) that take place on the last evening of the competition.
Jackson's Mill provides bed linens (blanket, sheet, pillow and pillow case). You will need to bring your own towel(s) and other bathroom items. Insect repellent, rain gear, a flashlight, and a fan are highly recommended.
Clothing for the Awards Banquet
Many state delegations consider it appropriate to wear a coat and tie or a nice dress to the Awards Breakfast. It is your option, but when you're representing your state away from home, do your best to look your best.
If you have any questions, please call or e-mail us. We look forward to meeting you and having your state participate in the "Super Bowl of 4-H Forestry".
Bill Worrell Chair 276-889-8056 |
David McGill |