4-H Volunteer Leader, Florida


I attended in 1981 as an assistant coach for the Florida team. I don’t have many vivid memories, only those extended by a few photos. Don’t have any mementoes from the trip other than the plaque made out of the cross cut log we brought home. That still hangs in the 4-H office. This event isn’t a game changer and didn’t really have any direct influence on my life. But, it was one of the many building blocks that I received without really knowing it at the time.

For the past seven years I have seen how this little contest fills a need for competition and provides a valuable education along the way. Things we don’t ordinarily see as important, such as identifying a particular oak or pine may not make us a doctor or a lawyer. But, it does make us better at whatever we decide to do with our lives.

I know my two children have many fond memories of their time at the Invitational. I also know that others that have competed there from Florida, both recently and in years past, share these same kinds of memories and have a fondness of that time. Hard to put a price tag or a direct benefit on those memories, but they are certainly worth the effort in my opinion. They are part of growing up; meeting new people, going new places and learning new things. You never know when one of those people, places or things may become an important part of your everyday life.

4-H Volunteer Leader


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