4-H Forestry Invitational Management Committee Call for Nominations

The National 4-H Forestry Invitational Management Committee is soliciting a call for nominations for members interested in joining our management team...

The National 4-H Forestry Invitational Management Committee is soliciting a call for nominations for members interested in joining our management team.  The Committee is responsible for organizing and running the events at the National 4-H Forestry Invitational.  The Invitational is held annually at West Virginia University Jackson’s Mill State 4-H Center located in Weston, West Virginia.  The Invitational is generally held the last week of July.  In 2010 the Invitational will be held from Sunday, July 25 thru Thursday, July 29.   Committee members are expected to attend.  Other planning meetings are accomplished by conference call or internet conferencing.


The Invitational is the “super bowl” of 4-H Forestry.  Each year teams from as far away as Florida, Texas, and Oregon compete for first place honors.  The Invitational is comprised of many individual events such as tree ID, forest health, measurements, compass traverse, topographic maps, and a fast paced forestry bowl.  But the Invitational is much more than a contest it is a place where youth from all over the US get together to learn about forest resources management, make friends, have fun, and meet people from other places.


If you are interested in joining our management committee please send a nomination request to my attention.  Include a brief description of your background and current position.  Please have nomination requests in by June 1, 2010.  The committee will offer potential candidates an opportunity to visit this year’s Invitational as observers, all expenses paid.  You can learn more about the Invitational by visiting our web site at: http://4hforestryinvitational.org/




David R. Jackson

Invitational Chair



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