Bill Hubbard


Bill Hubbard

Assistant Director & Extension Program Leader, Environment, Natural Resources & Sea Grant

University of Maryland Extension

Bill is the Southern Regional Extension Forester (SREF) Cooperative Extension Service at the University of Georgia. He is the liaison to 13 Southern 1862 University Land Grant Universities and the USDA Forest Service - Southern Region. His responsibilities include regional educational programming and enhanced communication and coordination of information and activities across states and agencies in the area of forestry and natural resource management. He received a B.S. at the University of Florida, School of Forest Resources and Conservation-Forest Management 1985; M.S. at the University of Florida, School of Forest Resources and Conservation-Forest Economics 1987; and a Doctor of Philosophy at The University of Georgia-Department of Adult Education 2006.

Office Address: University of Maryland Extension

2115A Symons Hall

College Park, Maryland 20742

(301) 405-6268

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