Florida Team Earns Top Honors
1st Place Florida Team
Florida placed first among eleven states that competed in the National 4-H Forestry Invitational from July 23 through July 27, 2023. Teams from Pennsylvania and Georgia placed second and third, respectively. Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky, Lousiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Utah also competed in this year's Invitational.
National 4-H Forestry Invitational
The National 4-H Forestry Invitational is the national championship of 4-H forestry! Each year, since 1980, teams of 4-H foresters from all over the United States have come to Jackson's Mill State 4-H Conference Center at Weston, WV, to meet, compete, and have fun! The following pages will help your team prepare and register for the competition!
2025 Competition Dates